The TARFA Project is an NGO developing cultural programs.
TARFA Founder Nathalie Gallon announces an exhibit of two young Korean artists, one in France, the other in Japan : videographer Cori Shim and photographer Mi-Yeon.
Each visual artist’s unusual body of work draws on the written word-poetry for Cori Shim, philosophy for Mi-Yeon. Cori Shim’s video «Fil de lumiere, » [Thread of Light] is inspired by Yi Sang’s poem « Memoir on the Subject of Line 7 ».
Mi-Yeon’s photographic series, « I and Thou » follows her reading of Martin Buber’s book by that name Cori Shim’s Fil de lumière explores time and memory: « How do human beings (re)organize our time affected by memory ? We live in the past and the future at the same time, while remaining irreparably in the present.
Fil de lumière asks about the link between light and time which so haunts artists and thinkers—and has well before the introduction of the camera obscura. (Think for example of the radiance of a star, reaching us even as its source may be long dead.)
Mi-Yeon’s photography explores relationship, the relationship between oneself and the world. There is no identifiable portrait or individual identity function in this work. We are miles away from the selfie. Rather than egocentric, Mi-Yeon’s work is ego-decentric. Echoing Taoist and Budddhist teachings, the photographer states that « The other is a variant of my self. In this series, I try to convey our soul’s connection with the universe which exists in another dimension, one without space or any notion of time. »
Mi Yeon, with the I and Thou serie is nomined in the Unseen photobook Dummy award 2015 Alone Together (Kaya Books), and Yomogi soshi: Who might you be? (Madosha Publishers).